Monday, 21 April 2014

Happy Easter Weekend!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter weekend. After a week of planning (but not doing) blog posts, essay writing and finishing up placement I enjoyed a quiet weekend. I spent it with my sister. As the sun is shining in Glasgow we took advantage and went for a walk. We did some second hand book shopping and then relaxed in Queen's park before heading to a beer garden.

We then stopped by a local coffee shop for tea where I discovered a new favourite. Green tea with vanilla and cherry marigold. Very light but tasty. I will now be on the hunt for this.

Yep, I had planned lots of blog posts last week (or two) and did none of them. There was to be an Easter pinterest post as well as an update on what I have been up to crafting wise. As you can see that didn't happen. You will get an update but it's a little late for the Easter pinterest.

For now though I thought I would show off my Easter gifts. You will be wondering if I managed my sister's Easter present. I managed the socks only but you'll see that tomorrow. Instead here is an image of a mug my sister decorated for me. When I first walked into the room she had everything displayed on the table. I actually thought this mug was bought. I think it will be my new favourite. You may remember from my Mother's day post I suggested decorating mugs with sharpies as a possible gift idea. Unless you are me who can't write or draw on that type of surface. Well, my talented sister can and if I am ever in need I will bribe her with wine, coffee or chocolate.

My mum has also made a few goodies for Easter. She stitched us both cards. Normally she finds it difficult to stitch these things with me around. As I have rarely been in the house it would explain why I haven't noticed her hiding things away. Same goes for the cute little hen who is hiding a creme egg in it's bum.

The sun is still shining but I am back to the essay writing and only my washing has been taking advantage of the weather. I will be back though with the Easter socks and a few updates. I hope you have had a relaxing weekend too.

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