Early last week I came across some funny Stormtrooper photo's. One was taken each day for a year. They amused me greatly and if you are interested you can see them here on
flickr. I sent the link to my sister and inspiration hit. We have since been emailing pics back and forth. I've been using SV7 from classic Dr Who episode "Robots of Death" and Lorraine has been using Shawn the sheep.
SV7 worships the Irn Bru God.

SV7 sends a message to the Doctor.

SV7's therapist has told him knitting will help with the stress of being an evil killer robot.

SV7 attempts to get his feeling out into his diary.

Any humans in here?

Looking up some killin' tunes.

Sneaking into my knitting bag to find some humans at the Fort.
Befriending Dilly the duck.

Of course had to add in one of Shawn. Here he is feeding the ducks.
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