Sunday 23 March 2014

Poetry and Art!

I mention my sister quite a lot I think and have even had one or two posts highlighting her crafting creations. However, my sister is an artist rather than a crafter but it's not often I get the chance to brag about her art work. For an artist she can be rather private about it.

For the last six months she has been taking creative writing classes. However, it's been the latest set of classes that she has combined with her art. She has taken to poetry and has revolved it around some of her art. Or in a few pieces revolved the art round the poetry. She has even handed in a few of these pieces as her writing assignments.

I think that it's a safe bet that her tutor will never again be handed in a small house sculpture with poetry on it's walls. Nor will he forget it. I love hearing about her ideas and how she interprets the assignments.

The last one she handed in was this artists book. She has done something like it when doing her art degree (and I can proudly say I own one of those artist books). I remember at the time that she was fascinated by artist books and still is. This one though she gave to me (my hints were clearly noted) but she plans on expanding on it. I can't wait to see what she does with it. She also wants to expand on combining her creative writing and her art. Again I am excited to see how that also evolves.

In the meantime her latest set of classes have finished. She has been told by one of her class mates that by the time they return for the next lot she has to have set up a blog with her work. This is something I have been nagging at her to do for a long time. So I plan on sending her links to various blogs to give her inspiration on how to lay it out and how she plans on doing her posts. Any recommendations to artist blogs would be more than welcome. And as soon as her blog is set up I will post a link here.

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