If you aren't already a member of a knitting group I highly recommend it. I have been going to one for two years now and you couldn't meet a lovelier bunch of women. I have also learned so much from them. Before I went I knitted nothing but scarves. Now I knit socks and blankets and have learned to give something a try. If your group then decides to go on a knitting weekend I recommend this too. My knitting group went to Gartmore House which is just next to Aberfoyle. We were there for two days and the treatment we received can't compare to most hotels. Gartmore are used to craft groups and welcome them. We were given a large sunlit room for the two days. It was filled with lots of comfy sofas and large tables. We were also well fed and the food was lovely and fresh.
It was so much fun and relaxing. You would think that nerves might be strained as we hadn't spent so much time in each others company before. This wasn't the case at all. There was lots of constant laughter. It was also a great chance to get to know others in the group we didn't know quite so well.
Two members of our group offered to teach classes in their speciality. I took part in both classes and as a result I finally learned to crochet granny squares. Something I have been wanting to do for years. I also learned to knit toe up socks which is definitely interesting and means there will be more sock books I will be buying.
To top it off we were surrounded by farms and beautiful countryside. These were the views from my room.

Whilst it was tempting to stay indoors and knit/crochet all weekend the lovely sunshine and area tempted most of us out for walks at various points during those two days. On the first day a few of us were highly amused at being stared at by cows. They even followed us. You can't tell we are city bred can you?

Some of the views from the surrounding area.

The trail through the woods. We walked along here until the midgies chased as back to the cool work room.
After the weekend we were all exhausted but we had so much fun and can't believe we didn't do this sooner. Plans are already underway for next year. Hopefully I will have some photo's soon of what I actually accomplished while there.
The trail through the woods. We walked along here until the midgies chased as back to the cool work room.
After the weekend we were all exhausted but we had so much fun and can't believe we didn't do this sooner. Plans are already underway for next year. Hopefully I will have some photo's soon of what I actually accomplished while there.
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