I just finished April's socks (I know there is only one in the photo but I did do both, honest). My knitting group had it's Spring challenge recently and I decided to use my socks for this month. I picked a pattern called Hexagon Socks from Think Outside the Sox. I actually bought the book just for this pattern alone. It's certainly a very different way of knitting socks. Made up entirely of hexagons (including the heel). It was also challenging. The hexagons are knitted on the round and once you start with them they are fairly straight forward. Turning the heel was the difficult part. The photo chart in the book was a lot of help but when I thought about it too much that was when I tended to get stuck. Basically I would make it more complicated than it was. Anyway I am pleased with the end result but I doubt I will do another pair. There are two things I love about knitting socks; no sewing and very few loose ends to tie in. Not so with these ones. There were about a zillion of them (or so it felt).
The book is fantastic. It's filled up with patterns from a knitting magazine contest. There are some weird and wonderful designs in there. I could easily knit the rest of the years challenge using this book alone (I won't though). In fact, in a few months I will be doing another from this book. My sister insisted she wanted to pick one. So look out for that. If you are a sock knitter and would love to try something a little bit different then definitely pick this book up. I wouldn't if you are a beginner though.
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