Normally I have DVDs on whilst knitting. When I first attempted this pattern I had a DVD on. After the first time I had to start again I decided this might be one of those few times that I need silence. The pattern itself isn't difficult. It's that within a row I would forget where I was at and would have to hope that I have worked it out correctly. Also dropping stitches were lethal. It's easy to drop them with this yarn and once that stitch has worked it's way down a number of rows that's it. Once again I had to rip it out and start from scratch. The result is that the yarn is looking a little fluffy. Not the best yarn for this type of pattern. Once past the cuff though it's a very easy knit. It's just a basic sock pattern and in the end you have a lovely pair of ankle socks. The second sock took more time. Half way through the cuff I came across a join in the yarn which split apart and meant I had to start again. I put it down for a few days and decided to come back to it. Yesterday I pulled it back out again. I was determined to just finish it. I had another pair I wanted to knit for this friend and was eager to get it started. Like I said once past the cuff it's an easy knit and today I finished it.
You can see the heart pattern here. You can also see the yarn fluffing up. I would not recommend this yarn for socks. Just touching it seemed to create fluffing. I am also not sure how much wear my friend will get out of them. Although they are so soft to the touch so it might be worth it.
I now have my friends favourite colour and so I am now on to her second birthday pair in a lovely shade of blue. This time the yarn is specifically for socks so hopefully they will turn out better.
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