Monday 5 September 2016

Guest Blogger - Lorraine Sime

At the moment I am fascinated with what I call 'misunderstood creatures'. This top spider was found in my dad's house. Since he isn't a fan of spiders, I was asked to take it outside. I saw an opportunity to do some drawings too.

The above creature is a hoverfly, although the poor thing looks like a wasp, so it really is a misunderstood creature.


 Drawing these creatures inspired me to write too, which I plan to make a concertina book combining the drawings and poetry. The first and third verses of the poem are:

Us creatures, misunderstood
discuss everything,
from humans to food.
Our safe place, a must,
is our retreat, to
escape their disgust.

Our poor crab, who's dead,
our meeting point,
was kicked in the head.
The human nerves frayed,
they tossed him aside,
he'll soon be decayed.

 The final poem has five parts and will be integrated with the drawings. I have still to play about with the composition before I create the final piece. Juat now I'm enjoying filling my sketchbook with these little bugs and insects.

The above post was by my very talented sister. She has started up her own blog (finally I here you cry) and you can find her under Lorraine Sime Artist. Pop along and say hello.

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