Saturday 4 January 2020

2020 Challenges

Last year I discovered podcasts. Or rather, I decided that it was about time that I tried a few. Specifically knitting podcasts. I can’t remember how it came about. I think I might have seen an article but I did a search and came across a list of them. My favourites are East London Knits and Fruity Knitting. East London Knits is a shorter podcast by knitwear designer Renee Callahan. I love her knitwear and so I am not hooked to her podcast and love seeing her knew designs. The second, Fruity Knitting is by a knitting Australian family who live in Germany. Their podcast is filled with their own projects and interviews. As you can see, I enjoy knitting while watching and having a cup of tea (occasionally a red wine).

Watching both has inspired me. I have been knitting for years now and I very rarely stray beyond socks. A few years back I did knit some baby jumpers for the first time but I haven’t tried again since then. I have a drawer overflowing with knitted socks and I think my family probably do too. I have found a few new sock recipients but I now need to challenge myself. So thanks to watching these podcasts and seeing that there are a lot of designs out there that I love I have decided to knit my own wardrobe.

I don’t imagine that this will be a one year challenge only. I will need to build up to larger garments and the kind of patterns that I have been admiring. I need to learn techniques. So I have been taking notes in my bullet journal. I have been writing a list of the books on techniques that these podcasts have been recommending and I have been writing a list of designers and patterns I have admired.

From this I have been collecting patterns that I think that I can manage now and that I can build up to next. A whole host of patterns which include hats, scarves, easy jumpers, cardigans, tops and even a few dresses and a jacket. Oh and slippers. The hat, scarf and slippers will be my first three projects and I then will try my first larger garment. A simple but cosy jumper. The hat is already on the pins. A lovely lace item designed by someone I came across thanks to an interview in Fruity Knitting. I also have a list of techniques that I want to learn along the way. I’m really looking forward to this.

Lastly, as I have said previously, I am hoping to publish some sock patterns this year. I have a few designs that I have done already but just not written them out for public use. I also have a few ideas written down in my bullet journal for future designs. I’m excited about them and I see them as a challenge too. I am hoping to use some of the techniques I am learning in the designs.

I am hoping that this will turn me into a project knitter. What I mean when I say that is that I buy yarn for each project rather than because it is pretty. It’s why my stash is so out of control. Last year I was actually good at this. I bought very little yarn apart from that which I needed for specific projects. Also as a result though my stash is not going down as fast as I would hope but it will get there.

Does anyone else have fun plans for the new year? Would love to hear about them.

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